Our Catering services are operated by a professional catering company, Thomas Franks, who work with many independent schools.
Lunches for all girls are included within the School Fees.
Nursery, Reception and Year 1-2 girls have their lunches served to them in Vincent Hall (see Vincent Hall Menus).
Girls in Year 3 – 6 of the Junior School and all Senior girls have their lunches in the Senior Dining Room (see Main Dining Hall Menus).
A selection of hot and cold dishes are freshly prepared each day by our catering team, always with a vegetarian option. The menus are rotated on a three week cycle and change termly.
Everyone is encouraged to eat healthily and students are regularly consulted in menu-planning.
Selection of Hot Drinks and Freshly Baked Pastries available for Breakfast in the Dining Room from 07:45 – 08:30.
Spring Term Menu 2025