Careers Guidance

Northwood College for Girls has held the Career Mark Award since 2017, recognising our commitment to providing careers programmes for all our students, from Year 7 through to Year 13 and to meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance.

Every step of the way

We recognise that Northwood College girls have ambitious plans for their futures and our Careers Department is here to encourage and guide students every step of the way.

Careers guidance starts in Year 7 and continues right the way through school, with each year providing support to girls, and parents, as they make subject choices and look ahead to the Sixth Form.

In Years 7 and 8, girls start to explore career options by using Job Explorer database and the Morrisby Aspirations Questionnaire. Year 10 girls take the full set of psychometric tests in the Morrisby Profile, discussing the results in an individual interview with the Head of Careers. By Year 11, they are well-informed on all options available to them and can plan their progression to the Sixth Form with confidence.

Inspiring events

Alongside Options Evenings at key decision points, girls take part in a number of events designed to inform and inspire them.  In the summer term, each year group has a dedicated day as part of our ‘Careers Week’, with activities including Take our Daughters to Work Day, Business Enterprise Days and Work Experience.  Our biennial Careers Fair features representatives from a wide range of career areas, and is open to girls from all year groups, along with parents. In addition, all girls are invited to attend the NWC Horizons talks, with the Spring Term entirely devoted to careers talks, many of which are delivered by NWC alumnae.

Encounters with employers

All our students have opportunities to engage with employers, at each stage of their journey through the school.  Subject staff regularly reference the skills that girls are developing in their lessons and how these might be applied in the world of work.  Girls are informed by the Head of Careers of opportunities to take part in taster events, conferences and work experience, some of which are open to even the youngest of our girls in Years 7 and 8.  Opportunities increase as the girls get older and in Year 11 all girls take part in a week’s work experience at a self-found placement or a placement arranged by the school.

If you would like any further information please get in touch.

Rosemary Thompson, Head of Careers & UCAS      @NWC_Careers