The Nexus Project
Supporting us to help transform lives
This academic year has seen us proudly celebrate 130 years of educating young women in Northwood, and 2022 marked the 150th birthday of the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST).
One of the aims that our first Head, the pioneering Miss Catherine Buchan Smith, shared with the trailblazing founders of the GDST, was to empower and enable as many girls as possible with an academic education. To honour this mission, the GDST have launched a campaign with a target to raise funds that will provide an additional 150 transformational, life-changing bursary places, all of which will enable girls from more diverse backgrounds to thrive.
Please follow this link to meet GDST bursary recipients who now lead successful careers within the fields of investment banking, professional music, law, medicine, and so much more: success.
Over the past twenty-five years, the GDST’s Bursary Programme, has benefitted over 6,600 students across the UK with a GDST education. The positive impact of a bursary award extends far beyond the individual recipient as it incorporates families, the wider community, and all the future opportunities that these promising young women will generate.
During the 2021-22 academic year, almost 10% of students in GDST fee-paying senior schools were financially assisted (and over four in ten of these students received full bursaries); however, despite offering far more forms of financial aid than many other independent schools, we are limited to being able to support a small percentage of those who apply.
We do not want to see girls and young women with potential being deprived of the chance to join one of our outstanding schools – put simply, we and our sister GDST schools, want to help change more lives.
The Nexus Project
To mark our 130th Anniversary of educating in Northwood and to support the GDST’s 150 Bursary Campaign, we will recognise and celebrate the power of collective endeavour at Northwood College for Girls, via the launch of our beautiful new Nexus Project fundraising installation.
Located in our stunning new Alvarium building, the textural wall display consists of rose, silver and gold brushed metal hexagon-shaped ‘Nexus’ tiles; each of which will proudly display the name of a student, alumna, teacher, staff member, or associate of our school.
The word nexus means ‘a connection or series of connections linking two or more things’, a perfect fit for Northwood College, where each and every member of our community plays an important part in our evolution and where we all appreciate that working together, supporting one another, and celebrating each other’s achievements empowers us each individually. Sisterhood is a valued force at Northwood College – no one flies under the radar – we are all equally valued, respected and given the opportunity to share our voice.
The name Nexus lends itself to the location of this beautiful new fundraising installation – the inspiring and aspirational Alvarium Science building is a place where minds connect, create and drive innovation every day.
Our students know that when you join our school you become a Northwood College girl for life and this belief runs throughout our entire community, so the Nexus tiles provide the perfect platform to visually represent your place in our history; whilst raising funds to change lives for the better.
Nexus tiles are available for purchase for past and present pupils, teachers, members of our support staff, governors and associates; and all funds will be gratefully received and will be used to support our Bursary Campaign.
There are three options of support available, each with a different donation band:
Bronze Rose or Silver
Here follows your choice of colour and level of contribution:
Option 1
Bronze, Rose or Silver
Text: Name
Year of leaving Northwood College for girls (optional)
Position: Tile sits flat to backboard
Price: donation between £250 – £499
Option 2
Bronze, Rose or Silver
Text: Name
Year of leaving Northwood College for girls (optional)
Position: Tile supported by 10mm material depth to stand out from backboard
Price: donation between £500 – £749
Option 3
Bronze, Rose or Silver
Text: Name
Year of leaving Northwood College for girls (optional)
Position: Tile supported by 20mm material depth to stand out from backboard
Price: donation from £750
Each tile will be engraved here at Northwood College on one of our laser cutters – you are welcome to come into school to choose where you would like your tile placed within our wall of celebration.
To reserve your tile, please complete the following application form:
Working to help others comes naturally at Northwood College; our girls spend their time and energy purposefully, always conscientious and aware of others, and ready to shine their light to make life brighter for those around her. Your generosity in supporting this important cause will enable you or your child to benefit from leaving a permanent mark in our wall of celebration, whilst supporting another child in realising her true potential.
All monies raised from our Nexus Project will be donated to our Bursary campaign, therefore providing girls with transformational opportunities that they would not otherwise have had.
Changing lives, together.