
Northwood College for Girls is a school where Music is a thriving and busy department and most girls are involved with music one way or another. Hundreds of girls take individual music lessons and concerts routinely have more than 100 girls performing.

Music is a compulsory subject in Years 7-9 and includes work on singing, instrumental performance, listening skills, composition, music theory and music history. Music is a popular option at GCSE and A Level, usually running two GCSE groups and an A Level group. Girls regularly choose to study Music at university, and we currently have two alumna studying Music at Oxford, three at Durham, and one at Bristol.

We have a wide variety of instruments including a steel band, set of djembé drums, baritone saxophone, bass clarinet and piccolo as well as a full set of orchestral instruments, all available for pupils to use.

  • We offer a full set of instrumental and vocal lessons, currently offering the following:

    • Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon
    • Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Cornet
    • Violin, Viola, ‘Cello, Double Bass
    • Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar and Bass Guitar
    • Percussion and Drum Kit
    • Piano, Electric Keyboard
    • Voice
    • Steel Pans – free group lesson
  • We offer a host of extra-curricular groups for all girls to join. Current groups include Senior Orchestra, String Orchestra, Wind Band, Hummingbirds Choir, Jazz Band, Rhythm and Blues Band, Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, as well as many smaller groups such as ensembles for Flutes, Clarinets, Saxophones and Guitars as well as various vocal ensembles and String Quartets and trios.

    We run a lively concert programme of chamber concerts, composers’ concerts, a carol service as well as performances of popular music and major works. Recent and planned concerts include performances of, Bizet’s Carmen Suite, Mandel’s Messiah, the Vivaldi Gloria, Jenkins’ Adiemus, Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals and many more.

    We run an annual House Music Competition where every girl in the entire school joins in.

  • Our girls are lucky enough to have an hour’s specialist classroom Music teaching every week from nursery to Year 6 as well as a 30 minute group singing lesson in Year 3-6. We also have song practices and a host of concerts and events, including carol concerts, nativities, a Year 6 show, public assemblies, a teddy bears’ picnic, a Music competition and many more. We offer a full range of instrumental lessons to all the Junior girls, most of whom learn an instrument. We offer a variety of choirs, bands and orchestra for the pupils to enjoy.

  • Our state of the art centre provides:

    • An AppleMac Music Technology Suite running a complete range of Professional Music Software Programs including Sibelius 7, Garage Band, Logic and many more.
    • Recital Hall with seating for 150 for orchestra and choir
    • Full concert facilities
    • Ten practice and instrumental teaching rooms
    • Recording Studio
    • Three large teaching rooms
  • We are delighted to share our fantastic Christmas Concert, virtually!