
The Art Department has a set of clear aims and objectives:

  • Provide a creative atmosphere in which staff and students can work in a relaxed, imaginative and energetic way.
  • Stimulate visual awareness in pupils by challenging, extending and intensifying their aesthetic experience both in nature and in the man-made environment through the unique contribution of the individual. Lessons in Art and Design are a channel for each pupil to express her own individual sensibility, sensitivity, intuition, feelings and emotions.
  • Encourage independent study, investigation and extensive research. Pupils are always encouraged to use their own initiative.
  • Develop an appreciation of the richness and variety of our culture; the curriculum in Art and Design develops an appreciation of the diversity of our and other cultures, and of the spiritual and moral dimensions of life.
  • Encourage critical awareness; critical analysis of the work of artists and craftsmen is taught and encouraged, against the pupils’ own work and the art surrounding her.


Pupils engage in art, craft and design in the contemporary world and from different times and cultures. They use a wide range of both traditional and state of the art media and technology, working both in two and three dimensions. Years 7 and 8 are on a carousel with Textiles so have lessons for half the year whilst Year 9 have one hour long lesson per week.


GCSE pupils are following the AQA Art and Design, Fine Art syllabus. Years 10 and 11 have five (one hour long) lessons over two weeks.



Pupils are following the AQA, Art and Design Fine Art Syllabus. The students are taught ten (one hour long) lessons over two weeks and are expected to work at least six hours independently, in the studio, each week.


Pupils are following the AQA, Art and Design Graphic Communication Syllabus. The students are taught ten (one hour long) lessons over two weeks and are expected to work at least six hours independently, in the studio, each week.


Art clubs for all year groups are offered at lunchtimes, and after-school Art surgeries for GCSE and A Level students nearer their examinations.

Pupils are encouraged to enter various competitions throughout the year. The students have participated in the following:

  • ‘Royal Academy Online’ Competition​
  • ‘Nature Spirited Art’ Competition
  • ‘Fourth Plinth’ Competition
  • ‘GDST Film and Animation’ Competition

​Students may also work in the studios during their study periods and by agreement after school to develop their coursework and portfolios.

Day trips to art galleries and museums are offered to Years 9/10/11/12/13 including trips to Tate Modern, Tate Britain, V&A Museum Wallace Collection, Saatchi Gallery, Portrait Gallery and National Gallery. Sixth Form have the opportunity to do life drawing workshops after school weekly. We also had a ‘Portfolio Day’ for Sixth Form.

The annual Art & Design exhibition displays all year groups from Nursery up to Year 13, and includes GCSE and A Level work in the Summer Term.

The school successfully meets its aim to instil in its pupils “a real thirst for learning.”

— Latest ISI Full Education Report