Our young women consistently add one, two or even three grades to their predicted grades – a true testament to the exceptionally high standard of a Northwood College education and the effectiveness of our forward-thinking teaching techniques and approach.
Highly specialist, professional and dedicated teachers support each pupil, encouraging her to take responsibility for and pride in her work. Small classes ensure that academic progress is closely monitored and we adjust our teaching to suit the ability and learning needs of the individual, whether this means providing additional learning support or through offering additional GCSEs, such as Statistics and Astronomy, to our most ‘able and talented’ students.
The Year 7 – 9 Curriculum is academically rigorous and is based largely around subject specialisms, but seeks to maintain the collaborative enquiry–based approach developed in the Junior School. The girls study English, Mathematics, two Modern Foreign Languages (from Spanish, French or Mandarin), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Latin, Religious Studies, Art, Technology, Computer Science, Music, Drama and Physical Education. Library Education, Health Education, Current Affairs and Careers Guidance courses are also followed.
In Years 10 and 11, pupils build a personalised programme that ensures breadth and balance. The curriculum is built on a firm academic base, choosing IGCSEs where appropriate to ensure stability, rigour and progression ton specialist A Levels.
Pupils study the core subjects: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Spanish, at least one additional Modern Foreign Language and either Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate GCSE subjects or a double GCSE in Core and Additional Science. In addition, pupils choose three of the following optional subjects: Art and Design, Classical Civilisation, Drama, French, Geography, History, Information Technology, Latin, Mandarin, Music, Physical Education, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics and Textiles.
Extensive Careers Advice is provided to the girls and they follow a detailed course in study skills. Specialist lectures cover life skills, personal and professional development, and PSHE.
We recognise that to truly succeed in our fast-paced world, girls need more than examination results alone. Our Emotional Resilience programmes encourage girls out of their comfort zone and provide them with the tools and techniques to face potential challenges with confidence and self-assertiveness.
The ‘Cognitive Learning’ programme is designed to instil and develop robust communication skills, responsible risk-taking, effective team-work, problem solving, the ability to question assumptions and apply reasoning and judgment.
We aim high for our girls; we want them to become true global citizens who appreciate their responsibilities and are proud of their achievements. To be successful, our young women will bring innovation and fresh thinking to their workplace; they will maintain high standards and will build knowledge and deliver insight.
We believe that a fully rounded education cannot be complete without an awareness and appreciation of culture and the arts.
Art, Graphics and Textiles are integral to our curriculum and girls are encouraged to explore their creativity and experiment with a wide range of media and materials.
The results of this innovative approach are much in evidence in the colourful and powerful displays that greet visitors throughout our school.
Musical and Dramatic talent flourishes in our Performing Arts Centre which is equipped with state of the art facilities to enhance the superb range of opportunities available to our girls, both on stage and behind the scenes.
Drama attracts huge support through an eclectic programme of performance. Our regular productions, as well as studio workshops, are always eagerly anticipated while the House Drama Competition is an annual showcase for impressive, and sometimes unexpected, talents.
The thriving musical life of the school opens up exciting possibilities at all levels of ability with formal orchestras, a jazz group, string quartets, two choirs and various ensembles providing opportunities for girls to expand their talents or discover new ones.
There is a full music programme throughout the year with recitals and concerts, culminating in our annual House Music Festival which is always guaranteed to generate lively competition and enthusiastic support.
Health and well-being are strongly promoted through a wide range of activities on and off the sports field. Our impressive facilities include a 25m indoor swimming pool, sports hall, netball and tennis courts, all-weather pitches, playing fields and a fitness suite.
PE is taken by all pupils and, as well as the seasonal sports of hockey, netball, athletics, rounders and tennis, a wide range of leisure opportunities are available including trampoline, badminton, table tennis, gymnastics, dance and self-defence.
The sports fixture list is guaranteed to be packed with a full programme of inter-school matches, as well as inter-house competitions.
High Flyer students are identified according to teacher nominations and baseline data and a list of names is distributed to all members of staff. Tasks with significant stretch and challenge are then delivered across the curriculum to meet the needs of our most able students.
Individual and personalised plans are set up for all students who have been identified, in order to maximise their individual strengths. These girls are targeted to further their knowledge and are encouraged to host lunch-time presentations followed by question and answer sessions, to members of the Leadership team and staff. Recent topics have included talks on Gravity, Four Fundamental Forces, Black Holes and the Large Hadron Collider.
We strongly believe that there are many alternative ways to add stretch and challenge for our most able and we will provide an appropriate curriculum for individuals. Whilst we prefer to not accelerate students through the curriculum, as many schools do, we will always assess the individual needs of our girls and act accordingly. We have found it far more engaging to complement the curriculum, rather than accelerate and consequently offer our most able the opportunity to study for additional GCSEs such as Statistics, Astronomy or other qualifications that do not make up the more traditional subjects on offer.
The Senior School Centenary Library is housed in a beautiful building which was originally constructed as the school gymnasium in 1899 and transformed into the Library in 1994, one hundred years after the school moved from its original site in Euston Square to Northwood – hence the name.
The Library is open from 08:15am to 17:00 daily and aims to support all aspects of educational and recreational life at Northwood College for Girls as well as nurturing a love of reading and knowledge.
Facilities include:
- Over 11,000 books
- A full range of DVDs and CDs
- Networked Library Catalogue that girls can use across the school to check stock as well as seeing which items they have on loan and when they are due for return
- Various periodicals and newspapers and several online subscriptions
- Homework Club from 16:00 – 17:00 every day
- Separate areas for leisure reading and quiet study as well as networked computers for word processing and online research
- Library lessons for all Year 7 pupils introducing them to research skills using both books and online resources