Sixth Form Wellness Week: Sleep Workshop

During a Sixth Form PSHE lesson (Personal Social Health Education), pupils were given a presentation on the results of their Sleep Surveys, developed by Mrs Spicer, Assistant Director of Sixth Form.

The results were very revealing and the survey was used to emphasise the importance of getting adequate sleep as well as highlight the girls’ knowledge and opinions surrounding the topic. The impact of digital device use late at night was examined. The blue light emitted by screens disrupts the sleep hormone melatonin released by the body to prepare it for sleep. We then learned that many devices have a ‘night mode’ which filters out much of this blue light. However, this too was harmful in that it might encourage pupils to continue to use their devices late into the night when they should be asleep.

When we sleep our brains are most active and are trying to make sense of the learning experienced that day. Many pupils completed the survey and it is important for them to listen to the advice and adjust their routines to have enough time for quality sleep so that they can focus properly in their lessons and study periods.

After the Sleep presentation, the girls took part in a creative workshop led by Mr Rogoff, Assistant Director of Sixth Form, in which they made lavender pillows. Lavender is known to aid restful sleep because of the way it is thought to calm nerves and reduce anxiety. The theme of Wellness Week on Friday was to ‘give’ which in this case could mean they were making something for themselves to help them off to a good night’s sleep!


The pillows project was a good opportunity for the girls to be creative and ingenious with their designs, which I hope you can see is shown in a selection of photos.

Our thanks to Mr Allen, Ms Thompson and Mrs Bailey for their assistance during this action-packed lesson!

Mr Rogoff and Mrs Spicer, Assistant Directors of Sixth Form