Exciting News for Mr Giblin!

We are thrilled to announce that Mr Giblin has been selected to be part of the Global Action Research Collaborative on Girls’ Education.

Mr Giblin will be working with colleagues from across the world in this exciting venture. Well done, Mr Giblin. We wish you the best of luck.


I am going to be joining the Global Action Research Collaboration, which is organised by the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools. It is the world’s first action research program dedicated to the education and healthy development of girls. My project will be exploring how we can apply a design thinking process to the study of ethics in order to tackle social and moral issues girls may face in the world beyond school. This will build their problem solving capacity, as it will require them to develop their emotional intelligence and empathy, teamwork and research skills. Through this, I expect that girls will realise that they are capable of effecting real world change which benefits others. Girls will be translating the textbook into real life action, and having a direct impact on the community we serve. The students who I work with this year will then hopefully become ambassadors and mentors for future years, who will run their own projects. This will benefit the school and the students, who will gain further opportunities to develop leadership and coaching skills.

I will be beginning my research later this term, and at the end of this academic year I will be presenting my findings to the NCGS Virtual Conference, and all being well I will then present my future research on this project at the 2022 Global Forum on Girls’ Education III in Boston, MA (USA) and publishing the work as well – but first I need to actually carry out the research!