Our girls glow with contentment. But this is not trite ‘happiness’. Love of their school, and the security they feel here, are the springboard for their success in all areas of school life.
‘A clever balance of nurture and academic rigour’ (Good Schools’ Guide)
Our girls take their education seriously, inspired to ever-greater heights by their passionate and skilful teachers. Our teachers care deeply about the girls, and epitomise the GDST article of faith ‘Girls First’.
Our curriculum weaves in and out of time. We look back in sharing with our girls the ‘finest things said and done in history’. We inhabit their present, flooding their daily lives with joy, opportunity and challenge and we never stop evolving.
Currently we are embarking on an approach which is cross-curricular, with rich literature texts its heart. In Year 4 for example, the girls will look at the epic poem ‘Beowulf,’ learn about the Anglo-Saxon period and draw on themes of loyalty past and present. Through this they will explore themes of loyalty in parliament today and debate whether loyalty is a help or hindrance, particularly when looking at the pay gap between men and women in the work place.
Furthermore, in looking with a visionary eye on the future, we take our employability brief very seriously. We are keenly aware of the challenges that will confront young women of the future. In anticipating those challenges, we look to imbue our girls with the confidence, resilience and habits which will enable them to thrive.
We believe that character and academic rigour go hand in hand. We give our girls a top -notch education, aware that a vigorous learning environment requires them to take risks, proceed via trial and error, be undaunted by getting things wrong, and listen intently to teacher feedback.
They are not yet grown-ups, but we treat our girls in a grown-up way. They respond in kind, with maturity and energy. They are hard-working and virtuous. They seem to know intuitively that virtue brings its own reward. But as well as being earnest, they are generous, spirited. Fiercely proud of their school. At times mischievous. They will need these qualities in life.
Our Junior School girls experience all the benefits of through-school education. Passing seamlessly into our senior school, they sidestep 11+ or 13+, and have the time and freedom to grow into themselves. They enjoy specialist teaching in so many areas, and the sort of facilities (like the stunning pool) which might be the envy of stand-alone prep or junior schools.
We are a family school with a vibrant sense of community. Please come to visit our Junior School and experience a unique warmth.